You are listening to the musics in my life<<
Sunday 31 May 2015

Belated New Year??

    This is waaaay too late but, today's my very first day checking out my blog after so long, so happy belated new year i guess?? to be honest i didn't know i didn't notice that my very first post last year turns out to be my last as well. i am once again...and it's already 2015....and i'm here writing again due to...well...i'm not so sure but...yes it has something to do with my mood or emotion...i've been on a moodswing moodswing frenzy...i feel really unstable with my mood time i'm fine then for the next few minutes or hours i'm not...the cause? this is where the problem be honest, i don't really know what's the came so sudden...i don't even know how to explain it, can i even explain something that i know not of the cause right? hmm maybe it has something to do with 'that' maybe it doesn't...but seriously? i don't think it's related since 'that' didn't even cross my mind when my moodswing came...

     Another reason for me writing again is that...i'm unable to sleep....yet....i was watching Digimon 02 almost the whole day and i actually finished watching it; wanted to proceed to the 3rd season.....i forgot that the 3rd season is in my hard disk and my hard disk is with my other half at the moment lol herp derp ._.

     As im unable to sleep and mood swing my main reason for writing again, chances are high that i'd talk nonsense and randomly...but then again when i predicted what i'd do i'll always end up not doing as predicted...perhaps because i was predicting myself? who the heck does that anyway right? well the answer is me haha.

    Oh yeah...talking about my other be honest...i am really really seriously thankful to have her, i thank Allah for this gift, she is the only one i could think of, as the only person that can stand and be patient being with me. Knowing myself...i even once came to believe that no one would be able to keep up with my personality. Seriously...i'm a horrible guy, i'm terrible, self-centered, selfish, egoistic, over protective and all the negativities...and yet..she put up with all that, be patient with me and still love me with all her heart...

    Oooppss...look at the time not sleeping anytime soon but~~ i still have to go or i won't stop rambling...this is my first post this year, who knows it might end up being the last like last year's post (lol). It all depends on the situation and my mood. Anyway~ goodnight, have a good rest, sleeptight and well, and sweetdreams to you all.


This post is posted on 5/31/2015 01:24:00 am

What or who i am is not for me to tell, it is for you to judge, just don't judge me if you don't know me

[Little chibi]

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