You are listening to the musics in my life<<
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wearing A Mask

Hi there blog!~ been ages since my last post eh...Well was a lil bit busy now and then, but mostly i'm just having no ideas about what to write, as well as i kept forgetting that i have a blog. Haha. So this year on October was the year and the month that my batch, my university colleagues graduated. Mind you i said my batch but me not included. Yes, i am not graduating and i won't be graduating...Not that i'm happy about it, neither am i sad about it. But of course, i'm happy and feeling proud for my friends, my colleagues who graduated. Seriously, congratulations guys~ you guys finally did it!~ especially those who were with me from we were there for 5 years guys~ and you guys reached the end of your degree guys made it out alive haha. 

And so October 6th came, the day of the graduation, the 28th convocation of UBD. Woke up 6am in the morning, was actually waking up to watch the League of Legends World Championship 2016 (they changed the time i do not know why cause last year it aired during night time in my time zone). Anyway woke up early in that morning, was my off day and suddenly i received a text from my sister, telling me that mom was sad cause that day was the convocation day, my cousin also graduated from the same university that day. So my sis texted me to apologize to mom and say that i've tried my best. I read all that she said but i didn't reply her...I didn't even do what she tells me to...cause...sorry seems to be the hardest word...i'm serious though..i did my best, but i realized that my brain is's tired from studying...i don't mind learning...but the revising and the assignment brain was tired of it...i tried studying as hard or as smart as i can...and it didn't produce a result that my parents was expecting. And for how many days i'm not even sure, facebook and instagram was full of graduation photos, I scrolled and scrolled, liking those graduation photos...seeing them smiling happily...making their parents proud, making their partner proud for those that has a partner. Seeing pictures of my friends receiving gifts and roses from their other half, taking group photos and all that...I could've been a part of that...could've been a child who makes his parents proud...who makes his lover proud...but i didn't...i was a failure...It was actually pressing me down seeing all those pictures..i am happy of course...but i said that i'm not sad either, which is obviously a lie...People find out about me not graduating...i talked about it casually smiling and laughing how i was tired of studying and all that...people seem to think that i was quite lax about this matter, like i don't really care...people saying that i should've try again, don't quit, apologize to your parents and all doesn't seem like they are able to see it through...the facade that i made...the mask that i wear...i guess my mask was quite perfect for people being not able to see through it...Haha..But that's okay...i've moved on, i just had to release this feeling that was swelling inside me...but i'm fine now...i already was...haha...I'm only glad that i have someone who supports me, someone who understands me and doesn't see me through my educational achievements...someone who encouraged me despite my failures...and i really love her...and i thank you for being with me, staying with me despite how i am...Thank you, and I Love You.

This post is posted on 10/26/2016 01:10:00 am

Saturday 4 July 2015

Cowards will always be cowards.

So i've read an article recently about a wife being cheated by her husband only weeks after their marriage. Of course, the article was about the wife or ex-wife pouring her thoughts and hearts about the situation, and today the husband retaliates, giving his side of the story he claimed. and so i went to read it. I don't have the right to judge, but here's my opinion after reading what both sides claim to be the story.

lol this guy is funny. It's true that the ex wife is wrong for shaming him and the girl publicly, for bringing the matter publicly and let the world know about it, but seriously? you're blaming her for that? did it ever crossed your mind that this wouldn't happen if you didn't do what you did? being sarcastic in congratulating her for destroying someone else's life, why don't you congratulate yourself for destroying hers? you told the world that she's materialistic, it's true that that may not be right, but if you can't put up with that why did you stayed with her in the 1st place? and it's been 8 years long as you said. Seriously? you just did your solat after being forced to marry her by her family? why didn't you do it earlier if you can't put up with her materialistic needs? you're just making an excuse, and you're saying you are being forced by HER family to marry her, hmm i thought it was your family that forced you to, you had to marry her because you were forced to by someone else's family? so if her family forced you to eat poops would you eat it? you wouldn't would you? so why would you be obedient about being force to marry? by someone else's family even. If you think marriage isn't a light matter, you should stop the marriage even more. The moment you didn't stop the marriage is the moment you've destroyed her life, if you really don't want to marry her you should've just stopped, and you're saying she's destroying someone's life? you're blaming her for bringing this to the public when the source of this matter is you? wow. And then you said that you won't necessarily do to others what you did to her, yet you said that we all have cheating partners all around the world? dude, you're contradicting yourself. Not all people are like you who have cheating partners all over the world. Hey i might not know the full story of you and your ex wife, but i've read both side of the story since you said this is your side of the story. And all i can understand is you're just making an excuse.

Like i said, i don't have the right to judge either, but i'm just saying my opinion after reading what both claimed to be their side of the story. And guys like this pisses me off. ohh here's the link to both side of the story (the wife) (the husband)

This post is posted on 7/04/2015 02:39:00 pm

Sunday 31 May 2015

Belated New Year??

    This is waaaay too late but, today's my very first day checking out my blog after so long, so happy belated new year i guess?? to be honest i didn't know i didn't notice that my very first post last year turns out to be my last as well. i am once again...and it's already 2015....and i'm here writing again due to...well...i'm not so sure but...yes it has something to do with my mood or emotion...i've been on a moodswing moodswing frenzy...i feel really unstable with my mood time i'm fine then for the next few minutes or hours i'm not...the cause? this is where the problem be honest, i don't really know what's the came so sudden...i don't even know how to explain it, can i even explain something that i know not of the cause right? hmm maybe it has something to do with 'that' maybe it doesn't...but seriously? i don't think it's related since 'that' didn't even cross my mind when my moodswing came...

     Another reason for me writing again is that...i'm unable to sleep....yet....i was watching Digimon 02 almost the whole day and i actually finished watching it; wanted to proceed to the 3rd season.....i forgot that the 3rd season is in my hard disk and my hard disk is with my other half at the moment lol herp derp ._.

     As im unable to sleep and mood swing my main reason for writing again, chances are high that i'd talk nonsense and randomly...but then again when i predicted what i'd do i'll always end up not doing as predicted...perhaps because i was predicting myself? who the heck does that anyway right? well the answer is me haha.

    Oh yeah...talking about my other be honest...i am really really seriously thankful to have her, i thank Allah for this gift, she is the only one i could think of, as the only person that can stand and be patient being with me. Knowing myself...i even once came to believe that no one would be able to keep up with my personality. Seriously...i'm a horrible guy, i'm terrible, self-centered, selfish, egoistic, over protective and all the negativities...and yet..she put up with all that, be patient with me and still love me with all her heart...

    Oooppss...look at the time not sleeping anytime soon but~~ i still have to go or i won't stop rambling...this is my first post this year, who knows it might end up being the last like last year's post (lol). It all depends on the situation and my mood. Anyway~ goodnight, have a good rest, sleeptight and well, and sweetdreams to you all.


This post is posted on 5/31/2015 01:24:00 am

Thursday 9 January 2014

Happy New Year!~

     Assalamualaikum and a very late evening to you all!~ it's been a while since the last time i update my blog so here i am again, it's midnight and i'm unable to sleep yet...before i forget, it's 2014! Happy New Year!! 2013 was such a memorable year for me. Let's hope 2014 will be generous to me. One of the things i want to talk about first is about The Gulintangan club in UBD, what about it? I'm no longer the president!! Yaay!~ i'm finally free of that high responsibility post -___-' i don't like being a leader~ i have no talent in that profession hahaha. And~~ now that i'm no longer the president of gulintangan club, i finally am able to join the Korean Culture Club~ been wanting to joing this club since the beginning, if only i didn't join gulintangan first xD hahaha.

     Tonight, i'm missing someone special, she's someone i really loved, someone i treasured dearly in this little heart of mine. I've always missed her, i still miss her, and i still will inshaAllah, being with her...i think i've change a bit or more, she really changed me, for the good of course. But i think i have a problem or more, there are always things that almost brought us to a quarrel, or perhaps already a quarrel. I love her and she loves me, i have no doubt about that, i do trust her, i don't think the problem is her...i think the problem is me...i've always been a negative person, i am born a pessimist, i've been one since i was a child...and i'm a guy who gets jealous easily, and when i get jealous, i get very very jealous...being a pessimist added with jealousy...that spells trouble. It's hard being me...i can never make someone happy as long as i'm like this and even knowing this...i still can't throw away my jealousy. Knowing myself, sometimes it makes me think and question myself...should i really let myself fall in love? should i love? should i receive love? should i be in a relationship? cause i know myself, i know how hard it is being with me. Knowing myself, i know no lady that would be able to handle my personality, cause sometimes i accidentally hurt someone with my words without me jealousy knows no bound...and i tend to get negative...who can stand that? i doubt anyone can stand that kind of personality...and yet, this girl stays with me, she stays with me, loving me with patient, she does get tired...she does get annoyed...but she loves me still, and i thank God for that, i'm grateful to have her in my life. To the girl i'm in love with I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings, i'm sorry if i'm giving you a hard time, thank you for loving me...cause i love you too.

      I think that's all that i wanted to let out...Goodnight, sleepwell and Assalamualaikum.

This post is posted on 1/09/2014 12:58:00 am

Thursday 1 August 2013


   Assalamualaikum and good evening, been a week or so since my last post. It's the 1st of August~ goodbye July and welcome August~ Today is the last day for CCA clubs to open a booth and promote their club. I too went and open a booth for my Gulintangan club. 4 days, 4 straight days having to wake up early and go to UBD for my club's booth and promotion. My team and i did our best in promoting our club by performing spontaneously in all 4 days. it was tiring honestly, i admit that i was a bit exhausted since it's still Ramadhan, but i guess it all pays well, at the end of the day we got about approximately 40 student signing up for our club. I'm grateful for that, i just hope that they are committed to the club cause it has been a tradition for Gulintangan club to have many student signing up at 1st, but when the CCA really starts, only less than half are the ones that really have a commitment and passion for this club. Honestly, i'm really grateful for that number, 40, that's the highest in the history of Gulintangan so far if i'm not mistaken, and plus, we are in need of our replacement since we will soon be leaving UBD for our discovery year. 

   Since it's August, this means that Ramadhan is coming to an end, i will miss Ramadhan but i can't be too sad cause Syawal is coming soon! it's Hari Raya!!~~'s not as exciting as it were before...when i was a kid Hari Raya is a very exciting and wonderful time of the year~ but now...the feelings are no longer the same and i wonder why...and talking about Raya...i'm gonna be a bit sad...cause i won't be able to celebrate Aidilfitri with someone special, heheh...She went away from Brunei for a while and i won't be seeing her anytime soon, it's only been a day but i'm already missing her >___<
And August means that this semester is going to start soon~ but to me it already has started T___T 

This post is posted on 8/01/2013 10:20:00 pm

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Talking To The Moon

   Assalamualaikum and a very good night...or evening? lol alhamdulillah it's the 14th day of fasting and it's the 15th of Ramadhan  is it not? It's full moon~ full moon i tell you~ and based on what i have...err..what's the right word for it...umm..based on what i have observed, the moon goes full every 15th day of Islamic months, though i may be wrong, but it's usually around the middle of the month, thus 15th or so is usually the time when the moon goes full. 

   Yes as the title says, i am talking to the moon though not literally, just talking to the moon with my mind though, testing my telepathy powers i guess xp *keep dreaming rush* lol. Talking about the moon honestly, i have always been attracted to the moon, interested, curious, intrigued. Ever since i was a child...i dunno, i was always and still does, staring at the moon especially when it's full. There's something about the moon, something about it is enthralling, enchanting...i never ceases to fascinate me...whenever i stare at the moon, i will always get fascinated, it's like...the moon has the ability to control minds, the ability to manipulate memories, why? cause i can't seem to remember what's in my mind every time i'm fascinated by the moon.. 

   Ahh~ my mind's fresh out of ideas and my mouth's fresh out of words, i can't think of anything else to talk about, and i don't know what to write anymore, so i guess this is where it ends tonight.

Good Night people =)

This post is posted on 7/23/2013 10:32:00 pm

Sunday 21 July 2013

Sahur~ Sahur~ xD

Assalamualaikum, Good...Am people~ haha feeling refreshed~~ Sahur done! Shower done!~ now waiting for Azan Subuh, and trying to not to sleep after Subuh prayers, yeap~ 화이팅 Rusydi!~ not gonna write much for now so that's about it, have a nice day people!~ ^^

This post is posted on 7/21/2013 04:34:00 am

What or who i am is not for me to tell, it is for you to judge, just don't judge me if you don't know me

[Little chibi]

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